Friday, June 26, 2009

Photos from Bira Beach Indonesia

These guys scared me at first. They approached me with a shot gun from a small boat when I was walking down a deserted beach! My heart was beating a million times a minute, but then I realized I had met them earlier in the morning but they had a different outfit and I didn't see thier camouflage boat. After realizing they just wanted to show me around, I got on the boat and had a day trip with them to a near by island and met the head of the local Muslim Village. Then they introduced me to the principal of the local school. What an amazing random day with the Indonesian Navy! There is more to say but I'll have to tell you in person.

Here a few new friends from the beach.

These kids said "Excuse me Mrs. can I practice my English?"So they came up on my porch for a while just to chat!

Toraga Houses

Here is a photo of some traditional houses in Sulawesi, Indonsia.